On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Kirk <kirk_bernha...@cox.net> wrote:
> -------I ask what people think will come of large groups of TMers. Do you
> guys feel that sidhis will result? Better 'support of nature?'  Or what? Or
> do you believe in TM to the exclusion of other forms of good sense?  Maybe
> TM gives more energy. What is that energy going to be used for?  I know all
> going to MIU did for me was amplify my personal feelings unto heartbreak
> over and over. TM made me more of a rascal.  After all, I could just
> 'release all my stress' and be 'back to normal' within a few weeks.
> That ability stopped in my late thirties. The few thoughts I have left I now
> cherish.

First off, Kirk, it appears you're doing a bit better.  If so, good
for you.  Myself, my doctor upped my dose of unobtainium carbonate to
400 mg a day and it's made all the world of difference to me.

Will some sidhis be realized?  Well, according to one of the TM
websites (I don't feel like searching now), floating won't come until
like 2099.  I'm not sure much more will happen but if it does, the TMO
will be there to claim credit for it.  That, incidentally is a
problem.  There are thousands of groups doing yagnas, puja, mass
meditations around the world right now.  It's this vast metamovement
which no one can really claim credit for.

Your experience with TM is what I'd expect to happen.  Least it's
happened with me and those I know.  We've become more of ourselves and
that process continues and in my case speeds up each day.  Now that
wasn't all too cool on in my CIC group.  Two years later two couples
were divorced and no longer did TM, another few people switched to
rebirthing.  There was myself and a TM initiator become governor still
meditating.  People became who they were and who they were weren't
married to his guy/gal or doing TM.  A few people I know are now in
prison and don't get a chance to do TM there with all the noise and
crowding.  Becoming more of what they were meant some strange
transitions for them.

I think the road to enlightenment with TM involves becoming more who
you are, more who you are until you are it all.  Now just how you do
this holed up in a frat room flying hours a day in the dome and doing
do a trivial job on the MUM campus I don't have a clue.  The nature of
life is to grow and expand and it doesn't seem to me that that type of
life promotes growth and expansion.

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