--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
>  TurquoiseB  wrote: [snip] That the
> > form of meditation being proposed is TM I think is
> > problematic because I honestly believe that the way
> > it's taught and explained in followup talks is 
> > religously-based and thus inappropriate for American
> > schools given the Constitution and the clear wishes
> > of America's founding fathers. But the courts will
> > decide that.
> Turq,
> Didn't you sorta choke while writing that last statement?
> I mean:  you, someone who's posted a thousand reasons not 
> to trust anyone's OPINION without there being logic 
> and science behind it (at the least,)...

I've never said any such thing. About all 
I've said is that *everyone's* opinion is
just that, and *remains* that, no matter
how much "logic" or "science" they use to
try to sell it.

> ...are bending your knee to the OPINIONS of the founding 
> fathers.  WTF? -- you an expat saying this? 

In this instance, my opinion agrees with
their opinion, that's all.

But that still puts me leagues ahead of
you, dude. With all of your pretensions
to being so intelligent, you've now fallen
for two of Shemp's *obvious* trolls in a 
row. And you've *still* never figured out
the first one, the one about the hospital.

Out of curiosity I showed that one to the
ten-year-old son of a friend who was visit-
ing me and he got it immediately. If you
are so smart, why didn't you?  :-)  :-)  :-)

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