--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> For our dedicated "Buddhists"; Vaj and Barry the Turqey:
>  "Inside temples, stories abound of paedophile sex. Not only novices but
> > temple boys are vulnerable to this abuse. If the abbots are not the
> > abusers themselves, they often involved other senior monks."
> Read more: http://tinyurl.com/bycgyb

I guess this is payback for the speculation that Maharishi loved loved Guru 
Dev. (for you texters it would be the heart symbol)  Turq didn't really take it 
in that direction at all, and even stated that he didn't believe it.  I was the 
main speculator and Vaj's piece was just musing a bit, not a serious 

I'm sorry that no one took up my mention of Nandkashore who used to sleep in 
front of Maharishi's door like a dog.  If you hung out with him a bit and heard 
him talk about Maharishi you would have to be kind of thick not to 
ask...mmmm...he really seems like somebody who (if he owned a CD player) would 
have EVERYTHING Babs recorded. (Like butta that woman's voice, pure butta.) 
Unrequited?  Part of the tradition somehow? Cuz he was a gushing school girl 
I'm telling ya.

But the idea that closed societies with no-talk rules, doctrine over person, 
elitist mentalities, and sexual repression would actually be a cover for 
shenanigans of the one eyed pirate variety seems like a given.  And I don't 
believe any group has the worst of it, but I equally believe that it is 
everywhere, yes even in Jotir Math.  Humans like their boinking and they seem 
oddly attracted to pretending that they don't to make themselves look special.

But attempting to get to another meta level in this discussion, I find the use 
of this information as a weapon against each other interesting.  I don't have a 
"dog in this hunt", or "horse in this race" or  whatever is the charmingly 
folksy metaphor here. I think all spiritual groups provide a cover for this 
monkey business, and we need to shine the light of WTF on all of them equally. 

So for the movement supporters I would make this comment.  Don't get so bent 
about a little Monte Python fun at Maharishi's expense.  We are just talking 
here.  And being reactive and bitter about guys like me doesn't fly in groups 
like this.  Enjoy your belief that guys like me are missing out on the most 
precious thing in your life, concede that human beings are imperfect and are 
capable of all sorts of things, including sex even though they pretend not to 
want it, and roll with satirical send ups of your beloved master if you can.  
But the harsh bitter retorts to the people writing these speculations makes it 
seem as if you are taking yourself too seriously.  And even if you do it never 
serves you to appear so on a public forum.

And if you don't understand that a belief in a magic god man with a odd but 
beautiful name like "Maitreya" who is gunna fix up the world someday, is gunna 
make other people snicker a bit, you need to readjust you "take me seriously 

Taking ourselves less seriously is what I am advocating and lets start with me. 
 The hillbilly thing doesn't work because that doesn't match my background.  
But I am COMPLETELY nonspiritual in the ways you seem to define it, so enjoy 
your superiority.  You are going to reach some wonderful "whatever" and I NEVER 
will.  In fact with my willful choice to put my finger in the eye of all gurus, 
by the scripture's account, I will be mercilessly tortured for lifetimes for my 
indiscretions. So by your own philosophies I am the most pitiable lowest 
creature in your belief system.  So were is the compassion?  Why do you feel a 
need for bitterness?   This applies mostly to Jim,Richard and Nabby I guess, 
who seemed to take all this on the chin a bit. (Now that HAD to be deliberate 
on some level!)     


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