--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
> I'm a hit and run reader and poster on FFL. I don't have time to read all
> the posts in most threads, so I often form impressions based on partial
> information. I was talking with a friend last night who used to post
> regularly but who these days only lurks. He said that it was unfair to lump
> Judy and Raunchy together with regard to their criticisms of Obama. He
> opined that Judy had been much more fair and objective. So I'm sorry I did
> that Judy. Maybe I'll end up apologizing to Raunchy too, but I still get the
> impression that she couldn't bring herself to say anything positive about
> Obama, due to her emotional commitment to Hillary.

Well waddya know, Rick: Message #219365 I actually said something positive 
about Obama. I could bring myself to say something positive about you as well 
if you refrained from implying that women are incapable of rational thought 
because they are "emotional." This is sooo old school sexim, Rick. It's time to 
update your programming.

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