--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> wrote:
> On May 21, 2009, at 10:55 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > It occurred to me last night as I was reading Raunchy's
> > > post #219365 that the emotional component is not so
> > > much a matter of Hillary having lost as of *how* she
> > > lost, how incredibly unfairly and viciously she was
> > > treated by Obama's supporters--in the lefty blogs, by
> > > the Democratic Party, by the media, and of course by
> > > the right wingers, not to mention some of the people
> > > on FFL. And it wasn't just Hillary who was treated
> > > this way, it was her supporters as well.
> > >
> > > That left deep emotional scars (speaking of Barry's
> > > Cockburn quotes about "tending to cause damage").
> > >
> > > Obama himself wasn't the instigator of most of it,
> > > but he did almost nothing to try to stop or mitigate
> > > it and even encouraged it at times. That's awfully
> > > hard to forgive.
> >
> > Not for sane people.
> >
> > It's OVER.
> >
> > Why aren't YOU over it? Hillary certainly is.
> No kidding.  Hard to believe that almost
> a year after Hillary conceded the nomination,
> and over 6 months since Obama soundly
> whipped McCain's ass, this insanity still goes
> on, complete with ugly names for Obama's
> supporters and a mean-spirited set of attacks
> on the supporters as well as Obama himself
> that seems to veer at times precipitously close
> to a personal vendetta, ie an irrational
> hatred that is not receptive to any kind
> of logical discussion.
> Obama has become the new Barry. :)

Now THAT had me LOL.  :-)

Doncha *feel* for him? FIFTEEN YEARS from
now Obama, by then my age (63) and retired
gracefully from two successful terms as 
President, will come through New Jersey 
on a speaking tour and Judy, by then 103
(or at least looking it) will attend and
scream out from the audience, "Liar! Don't
you remember what you said in a speech
back in 2008? [waving a printout] I have 
a copy of it right here!"

Obama will laugh at her. But Judy, deciding
that his laughter and compassionate silence
at encountering Yet Another Crazy is sub-
mission, will decide that she "won" the

Then, having gotten a taste of "the thrill
of victory," she'll start stalking him all
over the world, appearing at every one of
his speaking engagements, yelling out the
same stuff. The Secret Service assigned to
Obama in retirement will offer to have her 
sent somewhere with padded walls, but being 
the compassionate mensch he is, Obama will
decline the offer. 

Finally, tired of hearing the same old shit
shouted by the same old windbag, the Secret
Service agents will take matters into their 
own hands and cart her off to Bellevue 

Obama will never notice her absence, just
as he never noticed her presence.


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