--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii_99@> wrote:
> > <snip>
> > > You really are revealing how much work you still need to
> > > do in regard to your hatred of men, which borders on
> > > psychotic...
> > > Sorry to say.
> > 
> > Let's see, I'm a hysterical racist who hates men, but
> > all you men are *perfectly* rational. Have I got that
> > right?
> > 
> > <belly laugh>
> >
> No, you think that you are a hysterical racist who hates men...

I do???

> But, really inside, there is a little girl, crying out to be 
> noticed, loved and accepted for who you are...equal to everyone 
> else...no more, no less.
> It has nothing to do with rationality...
> It has to do with a wound, which you talk about...
> You have been raped, and need to heal yourself of that.

But you just got done saying I *wasn't* raped. Now
you're saying I was.

I'm so confused...

> Not by continuing to inflict raping remarks on others, but by 
> healing  the wound itself, if it is blocking you from loving
> unconditionally...
> Anything which serves as a block of loving unconditionally is 
> standing in the way of your full development, as a human being and 
> enlightenment.
> So, it is necessary when the pain gets enough, and you can no 
> longer blame someone else for your pain, but see how you are 
> holding on to the pattern, that keeps recreating it in your 
> universe....then you will decide you no longer need to hold onto 
> that thing...
> And, you will let go of judgment, and be healed...
> (shed a tear)

Robert, don't quit your day job, OK?

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