--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > We want you to acknowledge your ownership
> > of the shit you threw at Hillary and her
> > supporters, to be embarrassed by it, to realize
> > just how shitty it was, and to repudiate it.
> > 
> > Because *we don't want it to happen all over
> > again when the next woman runs for president*.
> > 
> > Get the point?
> We do, but I honestly don't think that you do.
> What you are expressing above has a name: 
> You want REVENGE for the perceived wrong.

To have another woman run for president and not
be the subject of vicious sexist attacks is what
you consider "REVENGE"??

Boy, is *that* revealing.

> REVENGE isn't sweet, let alone Maharishi's
> "sweet truth." Pursuing it is a state of mind
> that has known karmic repercussions. Like
> turning one's life into a *never-ending* 
> quest for REVENGE, and thus perpetuating 
> itself. Like draining the joy from life such
> that you can *only* find it in moments of 
> perceived REVENGE. Like isolating the 
> person bent on revenge from other people, who
> easily see what the revenge-seeker cannot -- 
> that their life has devolved into *mainly* 
> the pursuit of revenge. Like starting to see 
> the world around you as *primarily* consisting 
> of causes to seek REVENGE for.
> In short, it makes you Judy Stein.

And not Barry Wright?


Master of Inadvertent Irony...the gift that
keeps on giving.

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