--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > Raunchy feels like shit because Hillary lost. 
> > And she wants us to feel like shit, too. 
> > That´s the bottom line.
> No, that is *not* the bottom line. Both Raunchy
> and I have been explicit that it isn't that
> Hillary lost, it's *how* she lost.
> Yes, we *do* want you to feel like shit about
> that. 

I'd like to thank Judy for validating
the theory I proposed earlier in my 
first "The *intent* of overly-emotional
writing" post and in the followup post
she is replying to. 

She states above that both Raunchy and
herself DO have an *intent* behind their
harping on the Hillary Thang. She even
states what that *intent* IS. She wants
us to feel like shit.

The thing is, I don't think Judy herself
knows what the deeper nature of that wish
and that *intent* is, so I'll rap about 
it a bit more, after she expands upon 
what her *intent* entails, from her 
point of view:

> We want you to acknowledge your ownership
> of the shit you threw at Hillary and her
> supporters, to be embarrassed by it, to realize
> just how shitty it was, and to repudiate it.
> Because *we don't want it to happen all over
> again when the next woman runs for president*.
> Get the point?

We do, but I honestly don't think that you do.

What you are expressing above has a name: 

You want REVENGE for the perceived wrong.
And I don't think I'm the only person here
who understands that you want it a great
deal more than you want the wrong "righted."

In a few short words in this post Judy 
recapitulates her entire posting history,
which is a 15-year attempt to get the folks
she doesn't like to 1) ADMIT that they were
"wrong" (and more important, but not stated,
that Judy was "right"), and 2) PAY for having
done the "wrong" thing.

It's a REVENGE fantasy. And I, for one, 
do not believe that pursuing such fantasies 
with the diligence and fervor Judy has pursued 
them for fifteen years has anything whatsoever
to do with "righting wrongs" and "making sure
they don't happen again." That's just "sweet
truth" she shovels out to cover the fact that
she's indulging in REVENGE fantasies.

REVENGE isn't sweet, let alone Maharishi's
"sweet truth." Pursuing it is a state of mind
that has known karmic repercussions. Like
turning one's life into a *never-ending* 
quest for REVENGE, and thus perpetuating 
itself. Like draining the joy from life such
that you can *only* find it in moments of 
perceived REVENGE. Like isolating the 
person bent on revenge from other people, who
easily see what the revenge-seeker cannot -- 
that their life has devolved into *mainly* 
the pursuit of revenge. Like starting to see 
the world around you as *primarily* consisting 
of causes to seek REVENGE for.

In short, it makes you Judy Stein.

Those who want to turn out like her, follow 
her lead and dedicate your life to seeking
REVENGE. You *will* turn out just like her.
The reason why is a Law Of Nature, of cause-
and-effect that has a short and simple name: 

"Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for 
the other person to die." 
- Malachy McCourt

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