--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > What the TBs cannot understand -- because, IMO,
> > of their brainwashing -- is that one can *easily*
> > hold one POV on Maharishi that embraces his positive
> > image and *at the same time* embrace another that is
> > completely comfortable with a more negative image.
> Said, astonishingly, without a *trace* of irony.
> Again, anyone whose view of MMY is different from
> Barry's must hold that view because they've been
> *brainwashed*.
> Barry is incapable of understanding that there can
> be more than one legitimate point of view about MMY.
> The question is, who brainwashed Barry?

Barry can make some good points about MMY and the TMO, as he did earlier in the 

But Judy's point shouldn't be lost: who brainwashed Barry?

I suggest that Barry is sucseptible to brainwashing and that he was, indeed, 
brainwashed by...the TMO!  I myself have always held the cynical but respectful 
view of this teaching (I think it's the greatest thing since apple pie but 
believe the TMO is full of crap) pretty much since I first started getting 
involved with them.  But Barry must have fell for it hook, line, and 
sinker...or else why does he think the way he does?

Of course, there are always going to be the Nabby's of every organisation; you 
can't help that.  But to define MY experience with TM and the TMO by holding up 
Nabby, Barry, is not only wrong but unfair.

Give me some credit for being able to think for myself, please.

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