--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > The thing that's been striking me lately, now that
> > the only thing I see of these people is the "Twitter"
> > synopsis of their spew in Yahoo Message View...
> I'll follow up on this, because part of me
> is still EVIL, and I just *love* how easily
> these dweebs can be manipulated.

"ISIS Stage Three is where those who have begun to
imagine that they *have* a 'captive audience' start
to imagine that the *influence* they have over the
people in that 'captive audience' is greater than
it really is. Stage Three sufferers start to post
fantasies about how they've *affected* someone....
I don't have to tell you how nasty some of these 'I 
control your life because you're a part of my
captive audience' fantasies can become."

--Barry Wright, yesterday

> Their egos and their Internet Self Importance
> Syndrome make them believe I'm really still
> reading their posts. But just in case I'm not,
> they've all *changed their posting styles* to
> make sure to include "Barry" in the first few
> words of every post, the only parts that would
> appear in Message View.

Apparently Barry's fantasy that his critics'
posting style has changed is the result of his
anxiously scanning Message View for his name in
their posts. But it hasn't been appearing in
Message View any more often since he's claimed to
read *only* Message View than it did before.

The fantasy that his critics have "changed their
posting style" because he claims not to read their
posts is not, of course, an example of Internet
Self-Importance Syndrome. ;-)

> Even funnier, it's like fishing with a big
> neon lure that flashes the message (in Fish,
> of course), "Bite this. It's designed to try
> to fuck up your whole day." THEY would fall
> for this, and in fact do, on a regular basis.
> So they think I will, too.

And he does, as the post I'm responding to and
many similar ones fantasizing at length about his
critics' behavior and motivations clearly
demonstrate. Whether he actually reads their
posts or only, as he claims unconvincingly, the
first few words in Message View, the posts
obviously do fuck up his whole day, day after day,
and compel him to make post after post filled with
his fantasy analysis.

> Not gonna happen. I *like* "restricting my 
> diet" of these folks' spew to a few easily-
> brushed off tweets per day.

Not quite so easily brushed off, it seems,
since he can't prevent himself from fantasizing
about them over and over.

 And the funny
> thing is that their "fishing expeditions"
> provide a service to other FFL readers as
> well. All that a discriminating reader needs
> to see is the word "Barry" in one of their
> message "tweets" and they know that it's
> nothing but another "Slam Barry" screed,
> and thus easily clicked past. But the "fishers"
> themselves? They haven't even noticed that no
> one replies to such fishing expeditions except
> the members of their "fishing club." And that
> they go home with empty creels every night.

Well, first, of course it can't be determined
how many people *read* these posts simply by how
many reply to them.

And second, as I've explained to Barry quite a
number of times now, speaking for myself, I could
not possibly care *less* whether he reads my
criticisms or not, or even whether the regulars
here read them.

My purpose is to analyze and document his
fraudulence *for the record* on a continuing basis,
so that anyone who starts reading FFL traffic to
see what the forum is about, wherever they start
and however much they read, will see some of the
criticisms and have a bit of guidance as to who
Barry is and just how seriously they should take

> And the most fun part about writing *this*
> screed? Watching to see whether they can been 
> manipulated into changing their posting styles 
> once again.  :-)

But this, of course, isn't an example of Internet
Self-Importance Syndrome.


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