--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> The film is about what happens when these different
> realities -- different musical themes or "notes" --
> collide, and the image that is produced when they do.
> It's like a hologram produced from the difference
> tones of multiple realities meeting.
> So that's got me thinking about FFL.

Duh. What else would it get Barry thinking about?

> One poster lives in a reality in which many of his 
> fellow posters work for the CIA or the Dalai Lama, 
> and are paid to spread lies about Maharishi, TM, 
> Benny Hill (or Creme...I can never keep those two
> straight), crop circles and Space Brothers. And we
> get the feeling that what really pisses him off the
> most about this reality he perceives around him is 
> that these CIA-Buddhists make more money than he does.
> Another poster lives in a reality in which he *knows*
> what is Right and Wrong and *knows* What God Wants 
> because he read it in the "Vedic literature." For him
> those books define reality, even though they rarely
> describe anything that would be considered Reality 
> by anyone else. Yet another poster lives in a reality
> in which women are perpetual victims, and the only
> acceptable response to this is that everyone should
> feel as perpetually bummed out about this as she does.
> At least one poster, recently returned from a hiatus,
> lives in a reality populated by butterflies and feel-
> good things. Another lives in a reality that is about
> to dissolve into civil war and chaos. Still another
> lives in a reality in which everyone lies but herself,
> and anyone who doesn't agree that she's Right about
> everything has just misread what she wrote. In her
> reality everything would be better if everyone except
> her just read and reread her posts enough times to
> they are and how smart she is.
> And, for each of these posters, these perceptions of
> the world around them isn't just their reality, it's
> Reality.

And for Barry, these descriptions of other posters'
behavior are his reality, which is markedly different
from consensus reality, and even from the reality 
represented by the archival record of their posts.

> There is no Reality here. There is only the collision
> of different realities, and the hologrammic image that
> appears as a result of their interaction. No one's
> individual reality "wins," even though many claim 
> to have "won." The battles *that* they've "won" are
> as illusory as the realities they're trying to impose
> on others.

It's very important to Barry that no one reality be
any more valid than any other, because that way *he
can never be wrong, nor can he ever be said to lie*.
He desperately needs this justification for his

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