> > One poster lives in a reality in which many of his 
> > fellow posters work for the CIA or the Dalai Lama, 
> > and are paid to spread lies about Maharishi, TM, 
> > Benny Hill (or Creme...I can never keep those two
> > straight), crop circles and Space Brothers. And we
> > get the feeling that what really pisses him off the
> > most about this reality he perceives around him is 
> > that these CIA-Buddhists make more money than he does.
> > 
> > Another poster lives in a reality in which he *knows*
> > what is Right and Wrong and *knows* What God Wants 
> > because he read it in the "Vedic literature." For him
> > those books define reality, even though they rarely
> > describe anything that would be considered Reality 
> > by anyone else. Yet another poster lives in a reality
> > in which women are perpetual victims, and the only
> > acceptable response to this is that everyone should
> > feel as perpetually bummed out about this as she does.
> > 
> > At least one poster, recently returned from a hiatus,
> > lives in a reality populated by butterflies and feel-
> > good things. Another lives in a reality that is about
> > to dissolve into civil war and chaos. Still another
> > lives in a reality in which everyone lies but herself,
> > and anyone who doesn't agree that she's Right about
> > everything has just misread what she wrote. In her
> > reality everything would be better if everyone except
> > her just read and reread her posts enough times to
> > they are and how smart she is.
> > 
> > And, for each of these posters, these perceptions of
> > the world around them isn't just their reality, it's
> > Reality.
> >
Judy wrote:
> And for Barry, these descriptions of other posters'
> behavior are his reality, which is markedly different
> from consensus reality, and even from the reality 
> represented by the archival record of their posts.
> <snip>
> > There is no Reality here. There is only the collision
> > of different realities, and the hologrammic image that
> > appears as a result of their interaction. No one's
> > individual reality "wins," even though many claim 
> > to have "won." The battles *that* they've "won" are
> > as illusory as the realities they're trying to impose
> > on others.
> It's very important to Barry that no one reality be
> any more valid than any other, because that way *he
> can never be wrong, nor can he ever be said to lie*.
> He desperately needs this justification for his
> solipsism.
Which is really too funny, since almost everything
Barry knows was either obtained from a book or from
listening to someone telling him something. 

Apparently Barry has not a single apriori source of 
knowledge or gnosis.

Everything he knows comes to him from his senses,
mainly his eyes and his ears. Barry's reality consists
of sense knowledge - he doesn't mention one single
insight that he obtained through experience or wisdom.

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