--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> It's fascinating that the ISIS crowd, who tend to
> be "book-larnin' only" in their approach to self
> discovery, would try to accuse me of *their* own
> approach. I mean, some of them are so lightweight 
> they never even met Maharishi, and never became 
> TM teachers.

The flights of fancy in this post are commenting on
a post from Willytex that did make this accusation.

However, Willytex is the only one who's ever made it.
Yet Barry fantasizes that all those in what he terms
"the ISIS crowd" have done so.

And Willytex himself has, of course, met Maharishi.

 And their approach to self discovery 
> seems to be typified by Googling something and 
> thinking they've studied it.

Willytex has obviously done far more than just

In other words: The people Barry descibes above,
including the person who wrote the post he's
commenting on, exist only in his own imagination.

 At least I actually 
> walked the walk of the paths I've followed. 
> As did you.
> The thing that's been striking me lately, now that
> the only thing I see of these people is the "Twitter"
> synopsis of their spew in Yahoo Message View, that 
> their primary operating system is J-OS...the 
> Jealousy OS.

Barry's latest fantasy defense against criticism:
"There can't possibly be anything wrong with *me*,
so these people must be criticizing me out of
jealousy. (And it's much easier for me to believe
this if I don't read more than a few words of what
they've actually said.)"

> But the fascinating thing to watch is that -- as
> predictable as thunderstorms in Sitges in September
> -- is how crazy they get every time I post something
> that in the TM world would be classed as a "good
> experience." It's as if it *offends* them that I,
> someone who has strayed from the "highest path," 
> have experiences on a regular basis that they've 
> never had, even though they've "followed the rules" 
> and been On The Program all this time.

I can't recall the last time anyone has commented
negatively on one of Barry's reports of a "good

> They do the same thing with you, of course.

Ditto for Vaj.

 And the 
> politically-crazy ones do it with politics. Someone
> they are jealous of posts something and they "have"
> to post a followup after having Googled furiously,
> as if to somehow "prove" that they "know more" than 
> the other person. I wonder if they have to get regular 
> upgrades on J-OS? :-)

Translation: When Barry posts something to do with
politics that's just plain factually wrong, and one
of his critics corrects him and provides documentation
for the correction, it's not because he made an
ignorant mistake, it's because they're jealous--and
the proof they're jealous is that they've gone to the
trouble to document the error rather than just issuing
a contradiction.

Got that?

> The other thing that's been striking me, and is an
> extension of your original point about these folks
> being "book larnin' only," is that they actually
> seem to believe that posting a URL that they found
> by reading someone else's post or tweet of the same 
> URL is actually "creative," and a sign of intelli-
> gence.

Don't think this has ever happened either, anywhere
but in Barry's increaasingly confused mind. It isn't
even clear what the heck he's talking about. And why
he thinks they think posting a URL is "creative" or
a sign of intelligence is, to say the least, obscure.

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