Vaj wrote:
> Maybe it's you who needs to get his 
> head out of the books? 
Barry says he's read over 200 books
on the Cathars alone. There's no
telling how many books he's read,
but obviously he didn't get his
knowledge apriori. 

Most of the things he knows he got 
from either books or someone told 
him something. 

Like most of us, his source of 
knowledge comes from the scriptures 
or from hearsay.

From: Willytex
Subject: Valid Means of Knowledge
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: April 21 2001

> You seem to often misunderstand 
> them anyways!
Maybe so, but do you think that 
Barry really believes that the 
historical Buddha taught the 
soul-monad theory?

Do you really 'know' that there's a
'Bardo' state somewhere in Tibet?

And do you seriously think that 
Barry actually has reincarnated 
almost as many times as his Guru, 
the Rama Guy?

"1531-1575, Zen Master, Japan; 
1602-1771, Head of Zen Order, Japan; 
1725-1804, Master of Monastery, Tibet; 
1834-1905 Jnana Yoga Master, India; 
1912-1945 Tibetan Lama and Head of 
Monastic Order, Tibet; 
1950 Self Realized Spiritual Teacher 
and Director of Spiritual Communities,
United States..."

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