Oh, technicalities.

Oh come now, not just because I am a conservative meditator, this one is pretty 
clear.  The guy is a fugitive from justice clearly.  Don't matter he is an 
`artist'.  For if only half of what he did was true he is clearly heinous in 
civil society.   Both sides deserve their days in court to protect us all from 
people like this and those who would advocate what he did as just okay.  

A higher thinking and spiritual society of justice has its moral play here.  
Pray do let Justice reign, let Roman stand some more in the light of the dock 
and in stocks if need be.  Polanski jumped bail but do  let due process happen. 
 Give us all equal protection before the law, please.  An essential rule always 
in civil society is, `Do unto others as they would do to themselves'.  It is 
nature as it is science.  It is the basis of a Natural Law as it comes from the 
depths of fermament consciousness in all nature.  Apply the rule and all mercy 
of the law, even to citizen Polanski.  We will all be safer.  & Beware of those 
others low who should argue otherwise. 

-D in FF 

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