--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Raise your hands: How many knew that me "chumming
> the waters" on this subject would bring out the 
> moralistic sharkprude in Edg?  :-) :-) :-)
> I said *nothing* supporting or excusing Polanski's
> actions with the girl.


Then what were the claims of:

1) she's hardly a "child"; and

2) she's been to many of such "sex parties"

...all about then?  Of course those unfounded declarations were to excuse his 

And if not, what were they for?

> As he tends to do, Edg pro-
> jected his own extremely unbalanced and emotional
> issues with this subject onto me.
> But this is *exactly* the reaction I was trying to
> provoke by spreading a little chum on the waters.
> It's not a rational reaction.

Since when are anger and frustration prohibited from being considered rational 

I would say that in this circumstance absense of those two emotions is 

> It's the reaction of
> a fundamentalist wannabe nazi who reserves the right 
> not only to judge others according to his own stan-
> dards, but to *punish* them according to what *he*
> thinks they deserve. THAT is what is going on with
> Roman Polanski in the press, and on this forum.
> I merely was pointing out that with regard to extra-
> dition, he is trying to avoid a *broken* American
> justice system. His defense attorneys negotiated a
> plea bargain with prosecutors and were told that
> the judge signed off on it.

No, they weren't because, by definition, a judge cannot "sign off on it" until 
he decrees it from the bench, which is his prerogative.  The plea bargain was 
between the prosecutor's office and the defense.  Indeed, I'm not a lawyer 
(where's Reevis when we need him?) but I think that it would be illegal for a 
judge to be party to the negotiations to a plea bargain, wouldn't it?

Where did you get this information that the judge signed off on it?

Remember the Michael Milken case (he was the junk bond king)?  He had a plea 
bargain, went to court for sentencing and received 10 years WHICH WAS NOT PART 
OF THE PLEA BARGAIN (Milken subsequently served 22 months).  That's the risk 
you take when you enter a plea bargain, Barry, and your insistence that the 
judge must honor a plea bargain is, simply, wrong.

> As a result, he pleaded
> guilty to one of the charges. *Then* he read in an
> interview the judge gave to a newspaper that he
> intended to not honor the deal. In recent develop-
> ments, the prosecutors on the case have admitted
> that *after* the deal was made they tried to sway
> the judge into reneging on it.
> If the original plea bargain had been honored, 
> none of this would be happening. When it became 
> obvious that the entire plea bargain was a lie, 
> and probably had been one since the beginning, he 
> left the country. THAT is what the extradition is 
> all about -- American prosecutors still pissed off 
> that he revealed *their* lies and duplicity and 
> desire for moralistic vengeance.
> As for the original case, I would have been happy
> to see him receive the same penalty as any other
> person convicted in California of sex with a minor.
> That was the only charge that he was convicted of.
> If the judge had honored the plea bargain, none of
> this would even be an issue. He didn't, and 30 years
> later moralistic prudes like Edg are still using it
> as fuel for their faux outrage and an outlet for
> their everpresent anger. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" <dhamiltony2k5@> 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Oh, technicalities.
> > > > 
> > > > Oh come now, not just because I am a conservative meditator, 
> > > > this one is pretty clear.  The guy is a fugitive from justice...
> > > 
> > > I think the clear pursuit of revenge and politics
> > > in this case (the AP earlier reported that Switzer-
> > > land arrested him in exchange for the US laying off 
> > > of Swiss bank UBS), is because the guy is a fugitive 
> > > from *injustice*. 
> > > 
> > > He was screwed over by the American legal system, 
> > > which promised him a deal if he'd only confess to one 
> > > of the charges, and then reneged on the deal.
> > > 
> > > So Polanski did what the US legal system cannot and
> > > will not abide. He proved exactly how impotent it
> > > is, and just bailed. THAT is why they want him back.
> > > It has nothing to do with the original case; it's 
> > > about him showing the world that the American system
> > > of justice can be blown off as the joke it is.
> > > 
> > > > A higher thinking and spiritual society of justice has 
> > > > its moral play here.  
> > > 
> > > Such a system DOES NOT EXIST. You are delusional.
> > >
> > 
> > Isn't any woman here going to kick Turq's ass on this topic? 
> > Here's a guy who openly says he sees no wrong in hitting on 
> ? much younger women defending Polanski's similar immorality, 
> > and no one is writing about the psychology of a young girl 
> > and how much freedom of choice we allow youngsters who are 
> > not fully formed intellectually, socially, psychologically, 
> > and on and on.
> > 
> > What parent would want to have Polanski target their daughter?  
> > Who thinks a young girl is "old enough" to handle this challenge 
> > of an older, rich, powerful, famous, and predatorily sexually 
> > aggressive and deviant perpetrator?
> > 
> > There is a huge issue that is not talked about: money -- anyone 
> > who was in the same situation as Polanski but without the funds 
> > would be far more likely to end up doing hard time.  In today's 
> > world, we see again and again that the rich just do what they 
> > want and hire lawyers if someone complains.  
> > 
> > Tell us, Turq, did that guy who kidnapped the eleven year old 
> > girl and raped her and gave her two kids and kept them all in 
> > a backyard/psychological prison for 18 years do anything wrong 
> > in your eyes?  It was polyamory, right?
> > 
> > This is not about religious morality -- it is about psychological 
> > morality. What Polanski did was skew that girl's life FOR 
> > FUCKING EVER, and he did it mindfully.  I say jail the shit 
> > for the rest of his life and see how well he does at rejecting 
> > the advances from much more powerful men.
> > 
> > Edg

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