> Oh come now, not just because I am a conservative meditator, this one is 
> pretty clear.  The guy is a fugitive from justice clearly.  Don't matter he 
> is an `artist'.  For if only half of what he did was true he is clearly 
> heinous in civil society.   Both sides deserve their days in court to protect 
> us all from people like this and those who would advocate what he did as just 
> okay.  

In reform humane for Polanski I shall pray the David Lynch Foundation has an 
extension program placed within the Suisse corrections system holding him.  
Science shows well that meditation should help even miscreant big-shots like 
Roman come to see the light.   Special treatment may be that David Lynch could 
get through to him, director to director.   


> A higher thinking and spiritual society of justice has its moral play here.  
> Pray do let Justice reign, let Roman stand some more in the light of the dock 
> and in stocks if need be.  Polanski jumped bail but do  let due process 
> happen.  Give us all equal protection before the law, please.  An essential 
> rule always in civil society is, `Do unto others as they would do to 
> themselves'.  It is nature as it is science.  It is the basis of a Natural 
> Law as it comes from the depths of fermament consciousness in all nature.  
> Apply the rule and all mercy of the law, even to citizen Polanski.  We will 
> all be safer.  & Beware of those others low who should argue otherwise. 
> JGD,
> -D in FF

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