--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> > > Oh, well, niivaara, no wonder. That changes everything! ;-)
> > 
> > It actually *does*:
> > 
> > 4   ***nivAra       m. keeping off*** , hindering , impediment (cf. 
> > %{dur-niv-}) ; (%{A}) f. N. of a river MBh. VP. (v.l. %{nIv-}).
> > 5   nIvArA  v.l. for %{nivArA} (see under %{ni-vR}).
> > 6   nIvara  m. ( %{nI}? ; cf. Un2. iii.) a trader ; an inhabitant ; a 
> > beggar ; mud ; n. water L.
> > 7   ***nIvAra       m. (ifc. f. %{A}) wild rice*** (sg. the plant ; pl. the 
> > grains)
> Yeah, but was the nIvAra wearing a hat?

I think I've seen him wearing a hat rather like
the one Tibetan monks are sometimes using. 
Seems quite a lot like "UFO/ETI-inspired"... :D


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