--In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> So why do so many *rag* on self, and talk about "eliminating
> the self," or "becoming Self," as if the latter somehow
> left self *behind* like a snake shedding its skin? That's
> not how I see things, or experienced them during my personal
> enlightenment experiences.

Oh, really?

"The fascinating thing is that none of the ways that
these selves-attached-to-their-selves present them-
selves are 'them,' either. Only Self is really 'them,'
and Self doesn't cast a shadow."

--Barry Wright, June 8, 2009 (#221177)

Barry's views about Life, the Universe, and Everything
as expressed in his "cafe rants" are determined by
whatever he's selected as his dumping target for the
day. Today it's those who value the Self over the self,
regardless of how often he himself has proclaimed this
same value in the past, as in the June post (only one
of many I could have quoted).

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