--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG" <wg...@...> wrote:
> From a Religious standpoint, where the Laws of Nature determine proper 
> behavior according to the rules designed by God, the idea that mere humans 
> can flout God's laws is foolhardy to say the least.
> Presuming the Religious point of view is correct;  

Well, aren't you the busy body, wagging your self-righteous finger at people 
you dont' even know. Are you kidding me? Religious nutbags such as yourself are 
the misguided fools, not gays. Your bigotry is founded in fear of your own 
sexuality. Guys like you burn witches at the stake. Let the boys loose. Get a 
girlfriend, get layed and most of all, get off your presumptuous soapbox.     

Gays, though well intended, are basically misguided fools! The laws of nature 
are designed to protect humanity from suffering, not deprive them from 
happiness and pleasure. Only by following Natural Law can man become truly 
happy, not visa-versa.
> Not matter how hard Gays try to change society, one thing they will NEVER be 
> able to change is the still small voice of their own soul called conscience!!

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