Surity is a seductive drug isn't it?  And with an all powerful imaginary friend 
no less.  Must be amazing to be so close to the big guy,huh?  Just you and him 
knowing each other's thoughts intimately, alone together in the quiet of the 
night, a brief snuggle followed by a clumsy but not unwelcome wandering hand 
bringing you to that firm throbbing knowledge of what is absolutely right for 
other people who may be listening to their own imaginary friends. But their 
friend doesn't have the strong shoulders and cute jawline of your secret 
imaginary manfriend.  With his strong arms holding you and making you feel so 
safe and sure and getting more and more excited until you just explode in a 
fountain of God's manliness, falling back into his comforting arms that feel so 
turgidly right against those gay people's flacid wrongness. I got the picture 

e--- In, "BillyG" <wg...@...> wrote:
> From a Religious standpoint, where the Laws of Nature determine proper 
> behavior according to the rules designed by God, the idea that mere humans 
> can flout God's laws is foolhardy to say the least.
> Presuming the Religious point of view is correct;  Gays, though well 
> intended, are basically misguided fools! The laws of nature are designed to 
> protect humanity from suffering, not deprive them from happiness and 
> pleasure. Only by following Natural Law can man become truly happy, not 
> visa-versa.
> Not matter how hard Gays try to change society, one thing they will NEVER be 
> able to change is the still small voice of their own soul called conscience!!

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