--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG" <wgm4u@> wrote:
> >
> > From a Religious standpoint, where the Laws of Nature determine proper 
> > behavior according to the rules designed by God, the idea that mere humans 
> > can flout God's laws is foolhardy to say the least.
> > 
> > Presuming the Religious point of view is correct;  
> Well, aren't you the busy body, wagging your self-righteous finger at people 
> you dont' even know. Are you kidding me? Religious nutbags such as yourself 
> are the misguided fools, not gays. Your bigotry is founded in fear of your 
> own sexuality. Guys like you burn witches at the stake. Let the boys loose. 
> Get a girlfriend, get layed and most of all, get off your presumptuous 
> soapbox.     

Correct me if I'm wrong, raunchette, but aren't you opposed to legalizing 
polygamous marriage?

If so, everything you accuse Billy of above applies to you equally.

> Gays, though well intended, are basically misguided fools! The laws of nature 
> are designed to protect humanity from suffering, not deprive them from 
> happiness and pleasure. Only by following Natural Law can man become truly 
> happy, not visa-versa.
> > 
> > Not matter how hard Gays try to change society, one thing they will NEVER 
> > be able to change is the still small voice of their own soul called 
> > conscience!!
> >

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