I hope you're right for 'their' sake, has it ever occurred to you that if you 
were wrong you'd be sending messages to them supporting behavior that would be 
conducive to their suffering?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG" <wgm4u@> wrote:
> >
> > From a Religious standpoint, where the Laws of Nature determine proper
> behavior according to the rules designed by God, the idea that mere
> humans can flout God's laws is foolhardy to say the least.
> >
> > Presuming the Religious point of view is correct;  Gays, though well
> intended, are basically misguided fools! The laws of nature are designed
> to protect humanity from suffering, not deprive them from happiness and
> pleasure. Only by following Natural Law can man become truly happy, not
> visa-versa.
> >
> > Not matter how hard Gays try to change society, one thing they will
> NEVER be able to change is the still small voice of their own soul
> called conscience!!
> >
> I would suggest that your self-rtighteous, Puritanical, religious based,
> ignorant judgmental bigotry is what is contrary to Natural Law.
> Homosexuality is found occurring 'Naturally' not only in humans but
> throughout the evolutionary scale:
> Homosexual behaviour widespread in animals according to new study     
> Homosexual behaviour is a nearly universal phenomenon in the animal
> kingdom, according to a new study.                 Louise Gray,
> Environment Correspondent - 16 Jun 2009
>   [Homosexual behaviour widespread in animals according to new study]
> Dolphins have been known engage in same-sex interactions to facilitate
> group bonding      Photo: GETTY
>         The pairing of same sex couples had previously been observed in
> more than 1,000 species including penguins, dolphins and primates.
> However, in the latest study the authors claim the phenomenon is not
> only widespread but part of a necessary biological adaptation for the
> survival of the species.
> They found that on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, almost a third of the
> Laysan albatross population is raised by pairs of two females because of
> the shortage of males. Through these 'lesbian' unions, Laysan albatross
> are flourishing. Their existence had been dwindling before the
> adaptation was noticed.
> Other species form same-sex bonds for other reasons, they found.
> Dolphins have been known engage in same-sex interactions to facilitate
> group bonding while male-male pairings in locusts killed off the weaker
> males.
> A pair of "gay" penguins recently hatched an egg at a German zoo after
> being given the egg that had been rejected by its biological parents by
> keepers.
> Writing in Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Dr Nathan Bailey, an
> evolutionary biologist at California University, said previous studies
> have failed to consider the evolutionary consequences of homosexuality.
> He said same homosexual behaviour was often a product of natural
> selection to further the survival of the species.
> Dr Bailey said: "It's clear same-sex sexual behaviour extends far beyond
> the well-known examples that dominate both the scientific and popular
> literature – for example, bonobos, dolphins, penguins and fruit
> flies.
> "Same-sex behaviours – courtship, mounting or parenting – are
> traits that may have been shaped by natural selection, a basic mechanism
> of evolution that occurs over successive generations," he said.
> "But our review of studies also suggests that these same-sex behaviours
> might act as selective forces in and of themselves."
> http://snipurl.com/u5j9y   [www_telegraph_co_uk]
> See Also:
> 1,500 animal species practice homosexuality
> http://www.news-medical.net/news/2006/10/23/20718.aspx

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