No, no, I was wrong....this THIS is the best post of the year.

--- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltabl...@...> 
> Surity is a seductive drug isn't it?  And with an all powerful imaginary 
> friend no less.  Must be amazing to be so close to the big guy,huh?  Just you 
> and him knowing each other's thoughts intimately, alone together in the quiet 
> of the night, a brief snuggle followed by a clumsy but not unwelcome 
> wandering hand bringing you to that firm throbbing knowledge of what is 
> absolutely right for other people who may be listening to their own imaginary 
> friends. But their friend doesn't have the strong shoulders and cute jawline 
> of your secret imaginary manfriend.  With his strong arms holding you and 
> making you feel so safe and sure and getting more and more excited until you 
> just explode in a fountain of God's manliness, falling back into his 
> comforting arms that feel so turgidly right against those gay people's flacid 
> wrongness. I got the picture now.
> e--- In, "BillyG" <wgm4u@> wrote:
> >
> > From a Religious standpoint, where the Laws of Nature determine proper 
> > behavior according to the rules designed by God, the idea that mere humans 
> > can flout God's laws is foolhardy to say the least.
> > 
> > Presuming the Religious point of view is correct;  Gays, though well 
> > intended, are basically misguided fools! The laws of nature are designed to 
> > protect humanity from suffering, not deprive them from happiness and 
> > pleasure. Only by following Natural Law can man become truly happy, not 
> > visa-versa.
> > 
> > Not matter how hard Gays try to change society, one thing they will NEVER 
> > be able to change is the still small voice of their own soul called 
> > conscience!!
> >

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