> > Who would you believe:
> > 
> > Someone standing on the corner, who said no big blue 
> > bus just drove by,
> > 
> > or,
> > 
> > A large group of people, standing on the same corner,
> > who said that a big blue bus just drove by.
> >
> I don't think you want to invoke consensus opinion here 
> do you?
The only informant that doesn't seem to meditate is Alex, 
but even he finds himself living next to the Golden Dome. 

Sal must have seen a 'big blue bus' go by, but she failed 
to stay aboard for only a few blocks. Apparently she got 
off the bus after arriving in Fairfield. Go figure.

So, let's break it down.

Turq obviously still meditates - he claimed to be sitting 
with some Buddhists in Spain recently. Vaj obviously is 
deep into meditation, being a member of a Nath sect. 

BillG, Lawson, Erik, and Judy are by their own testimony, 
still meditators, as are Rick, Doug, Tom, Steve, John M. 
and John Jr.

So, it seems like the only informants who didn't see a 
big blue bus were Hugo and Curtis, who saw the bus, 
before they didn't see it. 

It hasn't been established if any of the annonymous trolls 
posting here even know what meditation is. 

So, I'd say that the majority of the current respondents 
think that TM works pretty good. Were you thinking you 
were in the majority, Curtis? If so, exactly what faction
are you thinking you should be grouped with - 'the singers
that no longer meditate'?

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