Bhairatu, I am really glad you are in this forum. In fact, it was your posts 
from earlier years that prompted me to seek advice here. Had you - or someone 
at this level - not entered this thread, I would have had to try to write to 
you privately.

--- In, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> FYI, some of the opinions expressed on FFL are from rank amateurs who 
> only speculate on how TM works.  Some never even became teachers.  Some 
> have never been to India nor met teachers outside of the TM movement.   
> I have taught TM and more recently learned from an Indian tantric who 
> resides in my area.  Since you are also a jyotishi you may have made the 
> acquaintance of tantrics as many advertise themselves as astrologers (as 
> did my teacher).  They can give you an insight into the mechanics of 
> mantra shastra.  The reference to that one post was a speculation on a 
> how the TM mantra gets enlivened.   Definitely the TM teacher performing 
> a puja enlivens the mantra.  The more traditional method is for the guru 
> to wait until the disciple has enough accumulated shakti that they can 
> actually give shaktipat, no puja necessary, before allowing them to 
> teach.  Maharishi would have been lucky to have had even 10 teachers 
> that way.   The puja method was a way to mass produce them.  I have 
> learned the shaktipat method from my guru and use it to teach mediation.
> Shakti is the lively energy.  It causes the system to rewire itself to 
> support enlightenment.  The more powerful the technique such as a guru 
> mantra the faster the development to higher states of consciousness.  
> But these techniques aren't for the general public.  Usually calming 
> mantras are given to the public.  MMY actually began that way.

My current astrology teacher - guru - is a nontraditional one. I wrote about 
that on my web page On the level of inspiration, purity 
of life, spiritual effects and her knowledge of jyotish techniques I regard her 
as a genuine jyotish guru. I learned jyotish first privately as a hobby, then 
at the local TMO in Budapest. However, when I received her darshan I realized I 
should learn this. That was one of the chief reasons I stayed here in Eastern 
Europe, in otherwise difficult circumstances. My jyotish chart does not say it 
unequivocally whether I should continue living here, in no uncertain terms I am 
told to surrender to the Divine and accept guidance day by day.
Unfortunately, although possessing a real genius, my jyotish master is no more 
knowledgeable about mantras and is not involved in TM, rather in yogas of 
different sorts. I can say this although it is definitely her strange mix of 
reincarnational astrology in an Indian framework that brought me close to God 
after years and years of searching. I used to be very skeptical of 
reincarnation, despite having had decades of good meditation. I am trying to be 
as non-dogmatic as I can be these days.

I find myself in an in-between state now. Seeing that pandit in the summer who 
advised me to start with his long mantras in exact Vedic cadence has freed me 
from some negative things, and I am forever grateful to him.

My resources are limited now - I cannot travel to India. I have spent many 
lives there though, I am sure. Also a little in Tibet. But I am not attracted 
to Tibetan approaches too much.

What I can still do is experiment - these few days I have gotten some valuable 

You are probably correct in your summary about MMY and the puja.
Also, I have researched many mantras just for hobby (and an interest in 
Hinduism and Buddhism.) I am afraid I have never met a real Tantrik in my life, 
unless this pandit was one, and then we only had about half an hour together 
last summer. I think of him as more of a Vedic scholar who saw part of my 
problem and could provide me with a  ready fix to some.

Tantriks can probably provide a person with help from a distance as well, as 
long as that person is ready for shaktipat.

I will mull over this more and write some more.

Thank you.

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