--- In, off_world_beings <no_re...@...>
> There are not more Earhquakes than in the past, but the world's
> population is much bigger than half a century ago, so humans are going
> to notice them, because humans are now everywhere, and with with mass
> communication as well.
> Those storms you had in the US are nothing.
> OffWorld
> --- In
> < , tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > (resend, original did not appear to post)
> >
> > I am not a doomsdayer.
> >
> > However, for me, the 8.8 quake in Chile takes us to the outer range
> "normal flow of events" -- or at least gives me pause to consider that
> something outside the pattern of normality.
> >
> > I had been thinking that the Haiti quake seemed really close in
> seismically, to the 2008 China quake (8.0) in 2008, and the tsnunami
> quake of 2004 (9.1). Now with Chile 8.8 quake just a month after Haiti
> -- we have got four of the larger of recorded quakes in just 6 years
> and the interval appears accelerating -- rapidly. Chile is 500 times
> larger (energy wise) than Haiti. It's 15 times larger than the 1906 SF
> earthquake.
> >
> > The Chile and Haiti quakes occurring in a time of the largest world
> recession and unemployment in 80 years and unprecedented housing price
> declines -- and a financial crises 12-18 months ago that crises that
> took us to the edge. Congress is in a devastating deadlock. States are
> near bankrupt. Some nations (PIGS and all) are near insolvency. And
> federal deficit is so vastly large which could potentially lead to a
> sustained deflationary period -- what the Japanese have endured for
> several decades now -- and/or with intervals of hyper inflation
> by the deficits and increase in money supply, etc).
> >
> > Structural underemployment could last for a decade or more.
> > Look what chronic high unemployment has done to the inner cities. A
> new social order and vastly changed cultural landscape whereby,
> many other parallel potential transitions, we could see millions of
> (former) soccer moms selling meth to feed the kids and keep the house
> heated (and the house out of foreclosure). It's not an unthinkable
> scenario
> >
> > Glaciers 1000s of years in the making are rapidly melting. We have
> 8 very large crippling storms this winter -- formerly one might occur
> a decade.
> >
> > Its difficult to place all of these events in context. We have seen
> huge transformations in our lifetimes including such transformations
> many areas -- the breakup of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the
> and internet come to mind. And past ages have seen huge change and
> transformations -- for the good and for the bad. But with so many
> contemporary extreme events occurring, with increasing frequency makes
> me ponder what's going on?
> >

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