Dear everyone,

Ravi Chivukula was a quintessential spiritual thug. He has an excellent
memory, people who create fake id's, troll through list and attack him, his
family, his Guru are spiritual wussies and pussies. He has an excellent
memory, he remembers incidents from when he was 2, he will detect and hunt
these people who harass devotees. He clearly remember tartie boy, sally and
turqoise retard from his Amma days.

He will eat tartie for breakfast, Turquoise for lunch and Sal for dinner,
shukra69 for a snack...LOL

He met Ammachi when he was 24, but he only accepted her teaching if it was
applicable to him and rejected anything that wasn't applicable to him. He
was rude and made fun of anyone who accepted his guru's teachings literally.
He didn't spare anyone. He was the quintessential spiritual thug and
disciple. Wow the greatness of Ammachi !!! and a disciple like Ravi
Chivukula..:-). His life was an open book, he didn't create fake id's to
threaten and harass masters, he learnt from them.

When Ravi sees these retards attacking devotees, true men like Jim Flanegin
and a list started by a man "Rick Archer" that he so appreciates, he will
not sit idle. He has the spiritual energy to share the essence and smells
the wussies from a distance. They can only dream of a state like Ravi

Love - Ravi

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:19 PM, TurquoiseB <>wrote:


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