--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> I think that a lot of my inability to conceive of 
> such a belief system is the same thing that gives 
> me pause with Buddha's supposed First Noble Truth,
> that "Life is suffering." Life is *not* suffering
> for me. Never has been. Hope that it never will be.
> Unlike many, I was *never* drawn to meditation and
> the spiritual path because I felt that my current
> life was "suffering" or didn't work. I felt that
> my life was pretty cool; I was merely looking for
> ways to make it cooler.

And yet Buddha would have identified the pursuit of
ways to make one's life cooler as the very essence
of what he called "suffering."

In other words, in terms of Buddha's central premise
about life being suffering, there's no essential
difference between the person who seeks enlightenment
to escape perceived suffering and the person who seeks
it to make his life cooler.

The difference is only in the relative misery of the
life situations of these two people. In both cases,
they are experiencing suffering in that neither is
fully satisfied with life *as it is* and feel there
must be something *better* to be attained.

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