On Jun 3, 2010, at 10:16 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

For you folks who think that Dan's suicide was crazy nuts and are rather high strung about how New Agers are waxing on about Dan, I'm asking if you see that that's a religious position. Meaning that you're displaying values which, like religious values, are matters of faith much more than fact.

Actually from a practical perspective, human life is precious, therefore it's not something to be wasted. You're also interrelated to other beings who, even if they don't depend on you financially, depend upon you emotionally at some heart level.

I have, say, three, four, five and who knows how many more theories about what happens after death, and given your alarm about Dan, the atmosphere for discussion here is seriously dampened. Edification here? Sure....

Why would anyone try to get closure here with some sort of framing about Dan that they can abide with? No matter the theory, someone here is sure to stompsmashshit on it. This is not a healing place now is it?

Suicide is generally not a healing act. The exception of course being people in terrible pain and/or a terminal illness. I do not believe either of these apply to Daniel.

That's the bane of FFL -- you have to be a fool to post anything that your heart is (perhaps temporarily yes) resonating with.

Or maybe you're just having a having a hard time after being sucked in by another TM Org poseur? After all, people like Dan would find their perfect target in old believers who are still clinging on to some desperate hope that some TMer out there really did benefit. TM works! I was enlightened just like Marshy said, with a couple flourishes thrown in from some old Ramana I read!

Then when the rug is pulled out from that idea--unless you rationalize suicide somehow as a selfless or beneficial act--you're left to either accept the grim reality of unenligthenment, or try to rationalize it.

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