Tone in writing is never certain -- one can always read a post or essay in a 
variety of different tones  -- each having a different inflection of meaning. 
The tone we hear is often, it seems, reflective of what we would intend in 
writing such words.

This may be particularly true when words, in themselves, are amped up, a 
characteristic, perhaps talent, that edg displays. When words in themselves are 
amped up, I tend to read tone in a way I would deliver such a message. Which 
may have nothing to do with the writer -- only my own inner dynamics. As an 
exercise, more for fun, I often try to read the same post in several different, 
opposing, or variant tones. Its quite amazing how different the message is -- 
from the exact same words. 

Everything is a reflection of ourselves -- certainly true in ordinary 

--- In, Peter <drpetersutp...@...> wrote:
> Well, it's a good thing we all know now that Edg is not angry.
> --- On Sun, 8/8/10, emptybill <emptyb...@...> wrote:
> From: emptybill <emptyb...@...>
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does SSRS think he can get away with 
> marauding a congregation?
> To:
> Date: Sunday, August 8, 2010, 8:07 PM
> "I'm not always pissed off -- as my posts herein prove -- and even when I'm 
> turning out another screed, I do so as a writer trying his best to create 
> with aplomb and really put some neat flourishes onto my insults." 
> Edg,
> You're just a comedian with a hopped up sense of rage. It may not be in the 
> manual yet but as a layman I'm diagnosing you with a psycho- humour 
> malabnormality - I'm calling it "Luniticle Syndrome".
> Maybe you'll become famous - in the bardo at least.  
> --- In, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Why would anyone give this guy a free pass after he mimics Maharishi down 
> > to his giggle and then comes to the one town where that Maharishi's 
> > followers are and sets up business there to ride the coattails and grab 
> > some bucks?
> > 
> > Why would any "previously true believing in TMer" deign to put up with this 
> > wannabe? 
> > 
> > Why would this TMO DESERTER think he could wedge himself into this 
> > community and not come off as a conniving spiritual thief?
> > 
> > Why would anyone in FF after decades of "no results" jump ship to another 
> > ship made by a cowardly disciple of the builder of a just-abandoned ship?
> > 
> > How stupid does a person have to be to think, "Oh, here's a personal guru 
> > sure to love me forever and always tell the truth and never be smug or 
> > snobby or elitist or "too busy like Maharishi?"
> > 
> > Sounds someone was on the rebound.
> > 
> > There's your questions, Pete. Let's see you and your mostly worthless PhD 
> > talk yourself out of this corner you've painted yourself into.
> > 
> > Tell us why you jumped ship? Bet you can't without lying or spinning the 
> > truth or saying something like "Edg is too angry right now for me to share 
> > this kind of intimacy."
> > 
> > And you can't even spell my name correctly. How'd you get a PhD with that 
> > inability to pick up on a common detail that everyone attends? Some 
> > psychologist you are to lose your cool and label me as always pissed off 
> > and come down to my level by a juvenile sniping at my name's spelling -- if 
> > I can put a burr under your saddle so easily, I wonder how long you can 
> > keep a client from seeing your attachments disabling your therapeutic 
> > usefulness.
> > 
> > I'm not always pissed off -- as my posts herein prove -- and even when I'm 
> > turning out another screed, I do so as a writer trying his best to create 
> > with aplomb and really put some neat flourishes onto my insults. Didn't 
> > your psychological training give you the insight to see the difference? I'm 
> > doing stand-up, performance art here, but if you learned anything in 
> > college it should have been that "being pissed off" is the death of a truly 
> > soaring creativity. Best a pissed off person can do is iterate a one note 
> > song again and again as it attaches to issues. Maybe just maybe 
> > Michelangelo was pissed when he yelled at Moses, "Why don't you speak!" -- 
> > but that would be about as rare and artistic moment as what ever wuz. I 
> > amplify my nuances into nose-dives with nine-yards aspewin' for the sheer 
> > impact of doing so, and once in print, I'm done and on to the next moment 
> > of my life....I un-invest myself of the nuance thereby, see? 
> > 
> > I specialize in being angry in print, but I've not thrown a punch in 55 
> > years, never been fired for insulting fellow employees, have never taken 
> > anyone to small claims court, and was in the dome for five years morning 
> > and evening sessions and if that didn't quell my cantankerousness, then why 
> > would you glom onto a wannabe technique of the same ilk if it has had so 
> > little effect -- after 29 years of almost perfect dedication to it -- on my 
> > personality? 
> > 
> > Face it: you found yourself spiritually adrift from the TMO and you 
> > panic-grabbed on to some barnacle encrusted flotsam thinking it was dry 
> > land.
> > 
> > How's that working for ya if you're here in a pissing contest with the 
> > likes of me? 
> > 
> > I'm laughing here -- don't mistake a rude crude gnarly guffaw for a growl.
> > 
> > Edg
> >

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