On Aug 9, 2010, at 12:04 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

>> Bullshit karma but at last she gave it up, realized the illusion and worked 
>> to help other people.
> Until she died of a brain tumor. I think part of her problem was that she had 
> been away from any spiritual teaching for several years before her awakening, 
> so maybe her understanding had gotten rusty. Also, as many say, the actual 
> experience turns out to be quite different from what we had conceptualized it 
> to be.

I think her "awakening" was little more than a major case of depression~~
starting during her pregnancy and continuing on afterwards,
not to mention being in a foreign country, her dad being seriously
ill, etc~~that went perpetually untreated.  Not a nice thing for
her "friends" to have let her deal with quite alone, it would seem.
And then try and rationalize her obvious desperation by putting the
above spin on it, and any number of similar ones over the years
since her death.


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