On Aug 9, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Peter wrote:

>> Sal, I never saw her experience as being related to her brain tumor. 

Pete, I never said it did~~I said it as being related to her depression.
Not just related, actually~~but the "awakening" (so-called) being 
simply a prolonged case of depression that went undiagnosed.
(see below).

I didn't address the issue of the brain tumor at all.
But I wouldn't be surprised if prolonged depression 
could make you more susceptible to other brain
abnormalities.  In any case, it's very sad and is yet
one more instance of a TMer (or in this case a former
one) dying~~possibly unnecessarily~~long before their time.

>>> I think her "awakening" was little more than a major case
>>> of depression~~
>>> starting during her pregnancy and continuing on
>>> afterwards,
>>> not to mention being in a foreign country, her dad being
>>> seriously
>>> ill, etc~~that went perpetually untreated.  Not a nice
>>> thing for
>>> her "friends" to have let her deal with quite alone, it
>>> would seem.
>>> And then try and rationalize her obvious desperation by
>>> putting the
>>> above spin on it, and any number of similar ones over the
>>> years
>>> since her death.

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