On Feb 14, 2011, at 10:46 PM, Joe wrote:
> Judy, the reason I don't comment on the Judy/Barry wars is that those are the 
> very reason I bail for extended periods of time.
> All of this angst over who said what, and how many times and the extensive 
> cataloging "for the record" (what ever the hell that means) is mind numbingly 
> boring to me. I would be willing to bet that it's similarly boring to many of 
> the respondents here at FFL.
> I mean, read this:
> "Barry even thought Joe was disagreeing with the premise,
> leaping to agree with Joe without realizing that Joe was
> agreeing with wayback, who was agreeing with me, and that
> I agreed with everything both of them said. (Interestingly,
> of the four of us who participated, Joe's the only one who
> has refrained from pointing out to Barry that--to put it
> mildly--he had missed the point.)"

It's truly mind-numbingly unbelievable that anybody
could write the above and fail to see the obsessiveness
therein...the above sentences would make no sense except
to someone who just knew they were right, and couldn't
rest until they were sure they had convinced everybody else
of it as well.   Not to mention, they are dripping with
self-pity.  Judy's very life seems to revolve around such
insane trivia.


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