thx....the Shankaracharya's commenting on MMY - Obviously a case of sour 
grapes. MMY got where he did through cleverness; a trait lacking in the phoney 
However, I do appreciate (though don't agree with); your speculative 
conjectures on Vedanta.  You haven't provide any (a) rationale, (b) evidence 
(c) corroboration; but on the whole, the assertion (I assume you are comparing 
Vedanta to Buddhism) deserves further investigation and I thank you for 
bringing it up. 

--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Mar 11, 2011, at 2:12 PM, yifuxero wrote:
> > thx, your expression "Vedanta snobs" is vague and the referrent is  
> > unclear. Be specific.
> Shankara.
> > Again, CC isn't Enlightenment. MMY rarely used the E word as far as  
> > I can tell; but if he did, his usage would be equated with the  
> > highest Realization in his model, not the lower CC. The latter is  
> > obviously dualistic. Help me out here somebody, I don't generally  
> > get into is/isn't tennis.
> He's welcome to do whatever he wants with his "model". Not everyone  
> agrees with him. Not everyone sees the world from the POV of Vedanta  
> and Badarayana.
> > ...
> > Need a knock out punch for Vaj's subterfuge. He's obviously  
> > building up to something so he can say MMY was "only" in CC.
> I would never say that. I'd defer to the Shankaracharyas who comment  
> on his level of consciousness: "in darkness" and "mind like a  
> supermarket" (i.e. clearly not in CC yet...). Perhaps it would be  
> more helpful to think of him as a fallen yogi who did what he could,  
> while he could.

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