On Apr 2, 2011, at 3:16 PM, azgrey wrote:

> He was quite pleasant and accurate in his response to me,
> not so with you. Almost like it's personal. Oh well. My 
> observation is Lurk doesn't stay mad for long but he does 
> seem to carry a grudge. I could be wrong. I distinctly remember 
> making a post, once upon a time, that you quickly pointed out, 
> in your own inimitable way, was unreadable. You were right.
> I fixed it. Now I try to remember to read before pushing the 
> send button.  

Well, as you said so well in your latest post, I imagine
"I knew you had something to say but 
I couldn't make hide nor hair of what it was."
But then I went back trying to find what you were referring to,
and out of my 9 posts responding to yours, I couldn't see
one that fits your description above.  Anyhoo...


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