--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> > Good advice but he can´t. 
> > For him, Rick, Curtis, Barry et al. it´s in their blood. 
> > Their fear of someone actually having achieved enlightenment, 
> > not to mention the status of an Avatar is total. 
> > 
> > It´s probably their biggest paranoia in life to one day wake 
> > up to be confronted with the simple fact that they wasted 
> > their time while others became free.
> I was surprised to see you include Rick in that list Nabby.  
> I mean the guy created a massive project devoted to giving 
> a voice to people who claim to have achieved a higher state.  

"Claim" being the operative word. :-)

> As far as I go (I'll bet Barry will speak for himself) I 
> don't see any evidence that anyone is becoming "free". 

I wasn't going to bother to comment because, after
all, it's Nabby. Who cares what someone who believes
that Sri Sri Con Man Sai Baba is an avatar because 
of what Sri Sri Even Bigger Con Man Benjamin Creme
told him says? :-)

But for the fun of it, I still believe that a state
that fits *some* of the classic descriptions of 
enlightenment exists, and consider it possible that 
some in history have "achieved" it. Big whoop. If 
either Maharishi or Rama were enlightened, I don't 
want it. Far from being "free," I consider both of
them among the most bound and attached human beings 
I've ever met. I've met cabbies and bellhops and 
hookers who were more free. And more honest.

The thing is, I don't confer the supposedly enlight-
ened with any special qualities, even though they 
often confer specialnessitude upon themselves. Who-
ever they are, past or present, I hold them to the
same standards I would hold anyone else. And these
are *objective* standards. Do they lie? Do they 
break the law and commit fraud? Do they abuse the
trust of students by sleeping with them? All of
these things were done by both Maharishi and Rama.
Knowing what I know about them, I wouldn't willingly 
be *friends* with either of them, much less consider
them what most people think of "the enlightened."

That said, I consider enlightenment very possible,
but again the Big Whoop Factor wins out for me. I 
don't seek it myself, and don't recommend that others
seek it unless they get off on the idea. 

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