--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > Perhaps not coincidentally, it was RC himself who in "confronting"
> > me delivered one of the coups-de-grace which finally shook Us
> > loose from that particular identification. (For which, thank you 
> > again, Robin.) But it appears many others have come to the same 
> > realization. One such was Jay Latham, who wrote in Galaxy of Fire
> > of this Understanding and of his confronting Maharishi with his 
> > realization that CC, GC, and UC were essentially BS (my paraphrase)
> > and of Maharishi's vehemently enthusiastic endorsement of his 
> > realization ("YES! YES! YES!").
> See here for an excerpt from his book recounting this
> episode:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/71883
> Not sure this is the same as what MZ is saying now. Hope
> he'll comment on it.

Thanks, Judy. Right, it may well not be, and I hope he will too. 

I was mainly just pointing out that others have seen the "lie" of CC/GC/UC and 
that MMY himself enthusiastically endorsed such an Understanding (if we are to 
believe Jay Latham, and I do).

(For me, this Understanding is not yet another "higher state of consciousness" 
as it really isn't a state at all, isn't any "thing" at all (though it happily 
includes everything). If anything, it is a simple relief from the tension of 
the I-particle's unconscious "lie" of evolution in spacetime.)

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