> > On the one side you have people who think the
> > purpose of government is to redistribute wealth,
> > to make everyone economically equal, and to be
> > able determine that nobody get more than anyone
> > else.
> >
> What about just reining in the disparity in income 
> levels.  
You don't have the right to tell anyone what they
can earn and what they can keep -it's their money.

> We don't need any stinkin' billionaires.
Everyone should be a billionaire, if they earn it.

> > One is morally right, the other is immoral.
> >
> > In my opinion, free enterprise is right and
> > moral, and communism and socialism are immoral.
> >
> The bed of free enterprise has been soiled by the 
> dogs who championed it...
If you don't like it , why not move to Cuba? We
don't need any more free-loaders in this country!

All we need is good paying jobs so that everyone
can pay their own way, and donate to charity if
they want to. That's the ticket, not to take from
those that have to give to those who don't have.

One thing we could do to cut the spending is to 
get the government out of the school business and
to cut all foreign aid. Save a trillion or two.

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