On 08/04/2011 11:27 AM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:
> Denise Evans:
>> Two sides of the same coin...
> Well, it's a difference in what is right.
> On the one side you have people who think the
> purpose of government is to redistribute wealth,
> to make everyone economically equal, and to be
> able determine that nobody get more than anyone
> else.

What about just reining in the disparity in income levels.  We don't 
need any stinkin' billionaires.

> On the other hand, there are the people who
> believe that it is right to be able to take
> advantage of economic opportunity, to work for
> more, and to own what they earn, and keep it,
> without having to give part of it away to others
> who do not work for their income.

Their ability to do that often came from publicly funded education, 
government agencies that allowed them to set up a business and maybe 
even keep someone else from unfairly keeping them out of business.  The 
commons isn't free but it need not be expensive either.  Or do you want 
to pay some evil lord a toll for driving down the highway?

Beside just working hard is not going to make you rich.  It usually just 
makes one tired. :-D

Oh, but I forgot you are just one lottery ticket away from becoming a 
billionaire. :-D :-D
> One is morally right, the other is immoral.
> In my opinion, free enterprise is right and
> moral, and communism and socialism are immoral.

The bed of free enterprise has been soiled by the dogs who championed 
it.  Now it is collapsing.  Enjoy communism, Willy.  You'll be living 
under corporate communism very soon (or maybe we already are).

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