The surgeon assured his girlfriend that his getting her pregnant would only
turn out to be a mild inconvenience.   He explained that there are many
births at the hospital every day and sometimes there are the stillborn.
Their child would be a great blessing to a mother who didn't bring a healthy
child into the world.

So, the day came for her to deliver.  He sneaked her into the delivery room
and delivered the baby himself then took her back to her room.

He looked in the nursery and there were no children.  He checked and not a
single, solitary mother had checked in to give birth.   As a matter of fact,
there was only one surgery planned, the one he was going to perform.  An
appendectomy on a priest.  So he thought, well, Catholics believe in
miracles.  What the heck.

He performed the surgery and he was waiting in the priest's room when the
priest woke up.  "Congratulations, Father.", said the surgeon.   "Well, I
expected to pull through and you don't have to call me Father since I'm out
of my frock and in this white gown.", said the priest.  "No, I mean
congratulations, Father." and the surgeon presented the priest with a
beautiful baby boy.    "It's a miracle", shouted the priest.

So the priest raised the child as his son and raised him well and he became
a good an righteous man.    The time came when the priest was on his
deathbed and he called his son to his side.   "Father, I pray for you.",
said his son.   The father told his son that he had to confess to him that
he'd lied all of these years.  "You, lie Father?  How could that be?"  "You
see, Son, I'm not your father.  I'm your mother."   "You're my mother?"
"Yes.  I'm your mother.   The bishop's your father."

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