-"RoryGoff" <rorygoff@> wrote:
> > And did you notice our Jellyfish's seven exoteric chakras, leading one 
> > vertically up the central sushumna-filaments to the esoteric five within 
> > the ever-present round of the eighth -- the non-doing, Niyama "round" of 
> > Jacob's Ladder, the Ashtanga-Yoga Heavenly Tree? 
--- nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:

> No I didn't, but what you write certainly inspires to furter study ! 

* * Yes, Nablusoss1008! And "Jacob's Ladder" is almost certainly also "Jack's 
Beanstalk" leading us upward into the realm of the Giants with their supernal 
treasures -- in the light of recent reveleations, perhaps not irrelevant that 
both "Jacob" and "Jack" remind us of our "JA CC": our Totality, our 
hierarchical ladder of the full range of Human Existence, our Cosmic 
Cephalopod, spanning from head to toe but with its Oneness always camouflaged 
in diversity.

--- nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:

And as it happens, both the Jellyfish and the Swallow are returning themes in 
the messages created by our Space Brothers in the cornfields of England. If you 
haven't already thought about it I'm sure the CMM Research Group and the Crop 
Circle Connector would be very interested in your analysis ! 

* * The Swallow is interesting! All birds represent the transmigratory nature 
of our Soul, but the Barn Swallow is an especial friend to humans, living 
almost exclusively in manmade structures, and also heralds Summer and by 
extension Summerland, Heaven, the Age of Enlightenment, etc. Also, the Swallow 
reportedly tried to console the crucified Christ (who represents our Fourth 
Initiation, when energies from our absolute GrlJ and our Relative AUM first 
meet across our central Sun, eclipsing our mediatory "I AM" or Witness or 
Christ Self). 

Finally, the Barn Swallow reportedly got its forked tail when it stole fire 
from the Gods in order to help Humanity, a kind of avian Prometheus -- whose 
name meaning "Fore-thought" again reminds us that Forewarned is four-armed. We 
speak of the Swallow as a herald, and in heraldry the Swallow (or Hirondelle) 
is the symbol of Arundel, home of the Earls of West Sussex, where the first 
crop-circle was photographed in 1932. 


> With the "root" below the base (pure Prakriti), the central seven, and the 
> crowning glory above (pure Purusha, the Adam Cadmon), you have your full 
> complement of nine (vertical) stages, or mandal
> as -- "thou art the Tenth," the totality ItSelf, the Giant radiantlCy 
> luminous Jellyfish ... which actually contains a co-creative matrix of 12 and 
> is itself the 0 and the 13 :-)

--- nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:

> (It is said that of Maitreya's about 50 Masters, 13 of them are now in 
> incarnation :-))
> http://www.neptunecafe.com/ccsr.html

* * 13 I-AM points naturally constitute a Vector Equilibrium Matrix, also known 
as a Cuboctahedron or hypersphere. When 13 such portals or chakras are opened 
simultaneously in the correct VE-Matrix pattern for a separate Ego, or for the 
Earth, or any other apparently-quarantined bodymind, that bodymind becomes a 
12-gated Celestial Jerusalem, is re-aligned in co-creative Mastery with 
universal space, and rejoins the "Federation" of a New Heaven and a New Earth 
-- also now known as a JA CC.

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