As musical accompaniment to this train of thought, 

"Torus" (3:00)

copyright now 
jim flanegin - templedog

--- In, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@...> wrote:
> -"RoryGoff" <rorygoff@> wrote:
> > > And did you notice our Jellyfish's seven exoteric chakras, leading one 
> > > vertically up the central sushumna-filaments to the esoteric five within 
> > > the ever-present round of the eighth -- the non-doing, Niyama "round" of 
> > > Jacob's Ladder, the Ashtanga-Yoga Heavenly Tree? 
> > 
> --- nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> > No I didn't, but what you write certainly inspires to furter study ! 
> * * Yes, Nablusoss1008! And "Jacob's Ladder" is almost certainly also "Jack's 
> Beanstalk" leading us upward into the realm of the Giants with their supernal 
> treasures -- in the light of recent reveleations, perhaps not irrelevant that 
> both "Jacob" and "Jack" remind us of our "JA CC": our Totality, our 
> hierarchical ladder of the full range of Human Existence, our Cosmic 
> Cephalopod, spanning from head to toe but with its Oneness always camouflaged 
> in diversity.
> --- nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> And as it happens, both the Jellyfish and the Swallow are returning themes in 
> the messages created by our Space Brothers in the cornfields of England. If 
> you haven't already thought about it I'm sure the CMM Research Group and the 
> Crop Circle Connector would be very interested in your analysis ! 
> * * The Swallow is interesting! All birds represent the transmigratory nature 
> of our Soul, but the Barn Swallow is an especial friend to humans, living 
> almost exclusively in manmade structures, and also heralds Summer and by 
> extension Summerland, Heaven, the Age of Enlightenment, etc. Also, the 
> Swallow reportedly tried to console the crucified Christ (who represents our 
> Fourth Initiation, when energies from our absolute GrlJ and our Relative AUM 
> first meet across our central Sun, eclipsing our mediatory "I AM" or Witness 
> or Christ Self). 
> Finally, the Barn Swallow reportedly got its forked tail when it stole fire 
> from the Gods in order to help Humanity, a kind of avian Prometheus -- whose 
> name meaning "Fore-thought" again reminds us that Forewarned is four-armed. 
> We speak of the Swallow as a herald, and in heraldry the Swallow (or 
> Hirondelle) is the symbol of Arundel, home of the Earls of West Sussex, where 
> the first crop-circle was photographed in 1932. 
> > With the "root" below the base (pure Prakriti), the central seven, and the 
> > crowning glory above (pure Purusha, the Adam Cadmon), you have your full 
> > complement of nine (vertical) stages, or mandal
> > as -- "thou art the Tenth," the totality ItSelf, the Giant radiantlCy 
> > luminous Jellyfish ... which actually contains a co-creative matrix of 12 
> > and is itself the 0 and the 13 :-)
> --- nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> > (It is said that of Maitreya's about 50 Masters, 13 of them are now in 
> > incarnation :-))
> > 
> >
> * * 13 I-AM points naturally constitute a Vector Equilibrium Matrix, also 
> known as a Cuboctahedron or hypersphere. When 13 such portals or chakras are 
> opened simultaneously in the correct VE-Matrix pattern for a separate Ego, or 
> for the Earth, or any other apparently-quarantined bodymind, that bodymind 
> becomes a 12-gated Celestial Jerusalem, is re-aligned in co-creative Mastery 
> with universal space, and rejoins the "Federation" of a New Heaven and a New 
> Earth -- also now known as a JA CC.

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