--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> > I just don't get it, Curtis. WHAT PRAY TELL is at the
> > bottom of your tenacious and pugnacious defence of Barry?
> ME: That is not what I am doing.  I am implicating Judy in
> the responsibility for the way they interact.  She is making
> a case that she is a pure victim of Barry's badness.


The case for Barry's "badness" has been well made long
since by me and Robin and many others here (and before
that on alt.m.t). And it will continue to be made as
long as he continues to behave the way he does.

I and those others are "victims" only in the same sense
that he's the "victim" of the case we've made against
him, i.e., in the abstract.

Sadly, there are some who *have* been victims of Barry's
viciousness in the concrete sense, i.e., they've been
harmed by it. That does not include me or Robin or most
if not all of those on FFL currently. The folks who have
been genuinely victimized have left for their own self-
protection so as not to be wounded any further. Hopefully
they'll be able to heal and carry on.

The case I'm making with you has to do with your inability
or unwillingness to see Barry for who he is, a sadist,
someone who gets off on hurting people; and its
consequences, specifically your reluctance to criticize
his behavior.

As Robin says:

> > I like the idea of protecting, supporting a friend. But
> > are truth and friendship incompatible?

I even wonder whether you are being a true friend to Barry
by tolerating his sadism.

Finally, I've never denied responsibility for the way
Barry and I interact. What I maintain is that far more
of it falls on Barry than on me.

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