On Dec 9, 2011, at 8:10 PM, emptybill wrote:

> Empty: Those stages of subtly are common stages discussed in Tantric Deity 
> yoga and in Kashmiri Trika Shaiva teachings.
> Vag: They're also used in the Shankaracharya tradition, which uses the 
> approach of tantra, leading to nondual contemplation. This is the 
> path of SBS
> ME: This is not Shankara's Kevala Vedanta  but the yogic advaita 
> (post-Vidyaranya) which contradicts Shankara in many ways. A mix of Tantric 
> and Puranic worship is standard in most Hinduism.
Billy Bob, get dat toothpick outta yo' brain. Get some experience, den get back 
to us.

> Vag: The bottom line is, if the bindu is not pierced and the ajna is not  
> bridged, the road to samadhi and full "transcendence" can never  occur.
> ME: SSRS told me that transcending in meditation (TM-Sahaj) is crossing the 
> tri-veni. That is why the Ajña is called the inner tri-veni or the confluence 
> of the three principle nadi-s. Again, another awakened teacher contradicts 
> your assertions.

Billy Bub: Shree Ravi was just one of Mahesh's boyz. His lineage is dee 
M-sters: it don't exist. Pleez don't hypervent on meez. Capiche?

> Empty: You purposely left out the conclusions of Svami Lakshman Joo, the last 
> Trika guru from Kashmir, a friend of MMY. He fully endorsed the transcending 
> process of TM. In fact, MMY got some of his understanding from SKJ.
> Vag: He may or may not have recognized it. But I doubt he would have 
> recognized it as any more than a preliminary.
> ME: This kind of dismissal of Swami Lakshman Joo clearly demonstrates your 
> selective polemic and wonton editing without regard for his actual 
> statements. SRSS and SLJ agree with MMY. You do not and thus you strike out. 
> Try staying with Dzogchen. You lack the objectivity to discuss TM or MMY.

Bub: the criticism against moi ist becuz I'm too objective. Where yu been?

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