Essentially, the prana (kundalini serpent fire) must be awakened and rise to 
the 6th and 7th chakra for enlightenment to occur. Whether that is done through 
mantra meditation OR concentration (like Patanjali taught) is secondary, both 
work according to Swami Yogananda, he believes concentration is more effective 
because it deals directly with the prana (pranaYama=prana control).

Prana is the life link that connects the astral body with the physical body, 
before the consciousness can expand it must be released from being 'trapped' in 
the physical body, these 'trap doors' are the chakras.

The prana (and the consciousness which is it's counterpart) is trapped in the 
physical body due to Attachments....lust, anger and greed to name a few. That 
is why some proficiency in the Yama and Niyamas are necessary before the 
serpent fire can awaken (Yoga is both the MEANS AND the end).

--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Dec 9, 2011, at 8:10 PM, emptybill wrote:
> > Empty: Those stages of subtly are common stages discussed in Tantric Deity 
> > yoga and in Kashmiri Trika Shaiva teachings.
> > 
> > Vag: They're also used in the Shankaracharya tradition, which uses the 
> > approach of tantra, leading to nondual contemplation. This is the 
> > path of SBS
> > 
> > ME: This is not Shankara's Kevala Vedanta  but the yogic advaita 
> > (post-Vidyaranya) which contradicts Shankara in many ways. A mix of Tantric 
> > and Puranic worship is standard in most Hinduism.
> > 
> Billy Bob, get dat toothpick outta yo' brain. Get some experience, den get 
> back to us.
> > Vag: The bottom line is, if the bindu is not pierced and the ajna is not  
> > bridged, the road to samadhi and full "transcendence" can never  occur.
> > 
> > ME: SSRS told me that transcending in meditation (TM-Sahaj) is crossing the 
> > tri-veni. That is why the Ajña is called the inner tri-veni or the 
> > confluence of the three principle nadi-s. Again, another awakened teacher 
> > contradicts your assertions.
> > 
> > 
> Billy Bub: Shree Ravi was just one of Mahesh's boyz. His lineage is dee 
> M-sters: it don't exist. Pleez don't hypervent on meez. Capiche?
> > Empty: You purposely left out the conclusions of Svami Lakshman Joo, the 
> > last Trika guru from Kashmir, a friend of MMY. He fully endorsed the 
> > transcending process of TM. In fact, MMY got some of his understanding from 
> > SKJ.
> > 
> > Vag: He may or may not have recognized it. But I doubt he would have 
> > recognized it as any more than a preliminary.
> > 
> > ME: This kind of dismissal of Swami Lakshman Joo clearly demonstrates your 
> > selective polemic and wonton editing without regard for his actual 
> > statements. SRSS and SLJ agree with MMY. You do not and thus you strike 
> > out. 
> > 
> > Try staying with Dzogchen. You lack the objectivity to discuss TM or MMY.
> > 
> > 
> Bub: the criticism against moi ist becuz I'm too objective. Where yu been?

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