On Dec 9, 2011, at 10:19 PM, "wgm4u" <anitaoak...@att.net> wrote:

> Essentially, the prana (kundalini serpent fire) must be awakened and rise to 
> the 6th and 7th chakra for enlightenment to occur. Whether that is done 
> through mantra meditation OR concentration (like Patanjali taught) is 
> secondary, both work according to Swami Yogananda, he believes concentration 
> is more effective because it deals directly with the prana (pranaYama=prana 
> control).

The important thing that occurs after bindu-bhedhana is the dissolution of ones 
samskaras and the balanced witness-consciousness that remains uninvolved while 
the subcoscious unloads it's baggage.

Then, after the unloading occurs, the student can get skaktipat.

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