On Dec 9, 2011, at 7:56 PM, zarzari_786 wrote:

> For example, after Muktananda left Seelisberg, on the way out touching a few 
> TMers, thereby giving them Shaktipath, so that they would follow him, is 
> reported to have said: Everybody is talking about enlightenment there, but 
> nobody knows what they are talking about. Then you forgot to mention 
> Krishnamurti or Osho. Bottomline is: whatever so called enlightened say is 
> not always in agreement with each other, they say it for various reasons, and 
> it cannot be used like Hollywood namedropping. That all enlightened agree 
> with Maharishi and say how great he is, is only a sweet illusion for TB's

Very interesting. It would be nice to have a more direct quote of Muktananda. 
Is that possible? Has it survived?

Muktananda actually gives a very beautiful description of bindu-bhedana in his 
Play of Consciousness.

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