On Dec 9, 2011, at 6:59 PM, richardnelson108 wrote:

> Hey Vaj,
> Just got sround to reading your post on this.
> I continue to amazed (I guess I shouldn't be at this point) about how 
> egocentric you are. I mean there you are sitting in your ivory tower making 
> your high and mighty statements about how much you know about transcending 
> and everything else you talk about regarding buddhism, the hindu and 
> shankaracharya tradition etc., and you really believe you know more about 
> this stuff than Maharishi did.

Hi Richard. I cannot say what all Mahesh knew, I can only comment on the 
techniques he's presented and sold, and more specifically the ones I'd tried 
when I was younger. 

At this juncture in time it's important to point out two vital things: we now 
know that Mahesh was not a yogi, he also had no lineal teacher-student 
relationship with Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. With these facts now out in the 
open, it does help explain the lack of knowledge and wisdom in his teachings. 
Although that doesn't subtract from his considerable marketing prowess and his 
use of various knowledgable consultants. His list of consultants is a kind of 
'who's who' of late 20th cent. Hinduism. If you can't get SBS as you guru, you 
can at least buy the guru of your choice in India.

> Listen, we all know that MMY was far from perfect, but yet he was respected 
> and loved by some of the greatest saints of India including Lakshmanjoo, 
> Ananda Moy MA and Muktananda

It's important to point out that a lot of what you've been lead to believe was 
other saints glowing approval of Mahesh has more to do with the types of things 
Hindu saints say about anyone. They're often very positive and say nice things 
about most everyone. But we shouldn't make the mistake of assuming this means 
they're giving tacit approval. They're in actuality often fulfilling vows 
they've taken which prevents them from saying anything negative about other 

> and yet according to you he is a know nothing charlatan.

I think he was actually a knowledgeable business man with a deep interest and 
love of eastern occultism.

> Maybe you can explain why they all seemed to be very happy with him? Oh wait, 
> I forgot ...you never deal with any criticism. You just disappear for a while 
> until you can jump in again all high and mighty with your superior knowledge 
> to enlighten us. OK, I'll just wait for more pearls of wisdom coming oour way 
> from 

Which remarks of mine are you inquiring about Richard?

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