This is what they call a Vaj recharge.

--- In, "richardnelson108"
<richardnelson108@...> wrote:
> Hey Vaj,
> Just got sround to reading your post on this.
> I continue to amazed (I guess I shouldn't be at this point) about how
egocentric you are. I mean there you are sitting in your ivory tower
making your high and mighty statements about how much you know about
transcending and everything else you talk about regarding buddhism, the
hindu and shankaracharya tradition etc., and you really believe you know
more about this stuff than Maharishi did.
> Listen, we all know that MMY was far from perfect, but yet he was
respected and loved by some of the greatest saints of India including
Lakshmanjoo, Ananda Moy MA and Muktananda and yet according to you he is
a know nothing charlatan. Maybe you can explain why they all seemed to
be very happy with him? Oh wait, I forgot never deal with any
criticism. You just disappear for a while until you can jump in again
all high and mighty with your superior knowledge to enlighten us. OK,
I'll just wait for more pearls of wisdom coming oour way from you
> --- In, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Dec 9, 2011, at 10:29 AM, sparaig wrote:
> >
> > > --- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Dec 5, 2011, at 8:04 AM, seventhray1 wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Oh, good. I'll just have to revise my experience so it
> > > > > with your analysis.
> > > >
> > > > Actually we've all already been pre-programmed to believe in the
> > > > stress release, "unstressing", model is factually correct. Each
> > > > we "transcend" we're chipping away at those stresses in our
> > > > system. So I believe most of us who were indoctrinated into TM
> > > > chose as you did.
> > >
> > > Actually, the current theory of how TM works is that it sets up a
> > > situation in the thalamus that inhibits the thalamo-coritical
> > > feedback loops that scientists believe are what we experience as
> > > "thoughts." This allows the brain to relax into a default mode of
> > > functioning where it is still alert, but literally not thinking
> > > about much of anything. The stronger the inhibition, the less
> > > thinking tha is done. Coincidentally, the default mode of
> > > functioning that results is where the front part of the brain and
> > > the back part of the brain are most easily able to communicate
> > > each other. This is the exact opposite of stress, which tends to
> > > interfere with the communication between the front and back parts
> > > of the brain.
> >
> > The only problem with such theories is Lawson that TM is really only
> > an elementary practice of mantra meditation. From the POV of the
> > actual mantra tradition, the subtlest level of mantra in TM - the
> > point where one still has some abstract feeling of the mantra before
> > reaching what TMers believe is "the transcendent" - is 512 times
> > gross than the subtlest level of mantra reached before the mind is
> > actually transcended - what is known as the unmana stage. In order
> > even access those levels of subtlety one needs to complete the
> > piercing of the bindu (bindu-bhedana) and master further levels of
> > practice. This level of subtlety simply does not exist in TM.
> >
> > So theories that are in effect based on iterations of the grossest
> > levels of mind are not really, ultimately, of much value except to
> > the indoctrinated TM crowd, and those they can still fool. As I've
> > said many times, you need to transcend the transcendent (what's
> > believed to be "transcendent" in TM) to even begin to approach the
> > actual full transcendence of mind.
> >
> > Once that level is attained, then some interesting research could be
> > done. However since the 'canon of awakening in TM' was effectively
> > frozen with the death of MMY, that point will never be reached. It's
> > also therefore a fact that all TM research can only ever be of minor
> > interest to serious consciousness researchers.
> >

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